Spiraling, spiraling spaces...
The space between the tears we cry....
is the laughter keeps us coming back for more...
The space between the wicked lies we tell..
and hope to keep safe from the pain ...I've been thinking about spaces a lot. The concept of space (not space as in NASA space), but the spaces more apparent. The ones here on earth. The spaces between two people. Between lines and words unsaid. Fragmented thoughts.. When you think about it, spaces are all we have. Some of them are full. Full of joy, sorrow, jokes, flattery... some of them, full of nothing. The very definition of space. A hollow, a void, an inescapable emptiness...
If the spaces are what fall in between our existence, then what's between the spaces? Its questions like that, I think, that keep man from being truly happy.
Here's the stupidest thing I have read today:
"It plays on an objectively determinable factual reality which cannot be denied..." the ASA said on its Web site. Now,
that is a mouthful...
Some words that have been swirling in my head:"Absence of evidence is not always evidence of absence."
"Friends may come and go, enemies accumulate."
"Those soldiers are being confronted. They are conscious of death, hope, fear, despair- all the dimensions. They have waited.. helpless. I feel they're out there, all those people- and especially at night, with the cold stars burning in the desert sky- and they are being deified despite their frustrations. I feel that they will be conscious of utter loneliness. God is within that loneliness, and that is why so many of the founding prophets went into the desert seeking God. I hope they have sentinels out there who are just experiencing... that sky. They can't do anything except face themselves. And when you face yourself, you face God."
"Nature abhors straight lines, while humans revel in them."
annuit coeptis-Layla