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La Verita
I am a half kuwaiti/half american girl living in Kuwait. I am perpetually suspended in the granite hollow that fills the space between two worlds... Not quite who I am, not quite who I want to be... Cat-lover, poet, music-nut. I currently hold a PHD in both BS and Smartass. In short, I pitch my tent in the median of life..


Picture perfect
"Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live."


Curled-up with..


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Tuesday, September 05, 2006
I got the J street blues...

If this is true, John Mayer ra7 i6ee7 min 3ainy ib shakil moo 6abee3y! (Skunk: That means John Mayer is going to fall out of my eyes.... wait... that doesn't really translate... It means he's gonna lose some of his credibility. There you go, that's what it means)

Shinoo ya3ny he goes for Miss. Yeah-but-is-this-chicken?! I'm all for opposites attracting and what-not, but this is rediculous! What could he possibly see in her? I mean, yeah the chick is hot and she's got a slamming body, but I would think that John Mayer (on account of his songs) would see beyond superficial stuff like that. The girl is a bimbo with a capital- B! And to all you Jess fans out there, I'm sorry, but I don't buy the whole "I'm just acting stupid." bit. No one is that good of an actress. Even Nick Lachey, who isn't really cooking on all four burners either, got sick of her eventually. 3ayal someone as smart and insightful as John Mayer ishbisowy feeha?

I think its just a fling... She's going around banging all the hot, 'legit' musicians. She started with what's-his-face from Maroon 5 and now she's attacking John Mayer... I say 'fine', if John Mayer wants to bang her a couple of times... whatever, you know?... its his life... but if he starts seriously dating her, shit... his credibility is gonna fly out the window!

Note to Jess: This is not how you gain credibility.

How about singing one song where it doesn't sound like you're having an orgasm in the middle of it? How about writing one song that doesn't talk about how great it was that you saved yourself for marriage? How about that? Hell, even your little sister manages to inject a little raw emotion into her songs! but you? nooooooooo, its all about the ooooh's and aaaaaah's and nothing-but-T-shirts-on's!

9ij maskhara... (Skunk: that means "What a load of crap")

oh and P.S. Bush? Islamofascist is not a word just because you wanna make it one!


Now Playing: Where are you going? By: Dave Matthews Band



If JM is going out with JS then I stand by you!

I guess it's back to work for me and listening to DMB's Under The Table and Dreaming album followed by The Stand Up album!

transparently Cats is very cool! Watch it ASAP and tell me what you think! :D

Stallion DMB is great! they will never sell out!

check out Jason Mraz, similar feel for the lyrics, better voice I would say :D

u need to chill ;p playa hata

This has got to be my favorite post! Tu7fa! (Skunk, thats the equivilant to 'classic' (i think?))

inzain maskhara ? it seriously translates into load of crap. A mass of khara - maskhara. Simply genius on ur behalf.

And I too never thought Jessica was fakin it with her stupidity.
"Oh my Gaaahh" was my favorite. Forget the tuna, but accordin to miss. Jess "Gaaah" sounds so much better than "God".

Oh my Gaaahhh. Go figure. Allah yashfy iljamee3. And remember, ma 3ala ilmareeth 7araj :P

I take it that you're upset at this whole JM + JS thing. Take a deep breath hun I doubt it will last.

Hark! I bring you good news. The local news reported this morning that he broke up with her. All is right with the world once again.

Hah.. was just thinking that the other day when I heard.

Even if he is just banging her.. argh.. that voice.. that raisin of a brain.. blah.
Now I'm kind of wondering if he really does write his own lyrics.

doc lost don't tell me to chill! I chill when I want to chill! I chill you!

Jun6a Thank Gaaaaaaah I never watched newlyweds long enough to hear that gem pop out of her mouth!

mia You've brightened up my whole day!! Thank God he saw the light before it was too late! :D

trevelyana You blasphemer!! :0
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