- Funny, but true...I was online this afternoon, trying to get my f*cked-up DSL to work properly when my cell rings. I look at the ID and see a jumble of numbers. My mom is in the states so I'm thinking maybe its her. I pick up and its this guy.
Him: Salam 3alaikum ikhty...
Me: Wa 3alaikum i salam
Him: Lo sima7tay? so2aal? Intay kuwaitiya?
?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?! I'm thinking:
"Int shakoo??" ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Me: Ee...
Him: So2al thany... hatha al-ahmidy?
?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! I'm thinking:
"Shi' salfa? Is he taking census or something?" ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Me: La2. nimr '3ala6. (I was starting to get pissed here so there was a clip of anger in my voice.. Plus he made me say it twice, which I hate)
Him: Inzain... aakhir so2al... Ishlon tabdee arqaam il ahmady?
Na3am?! Ish' shayifny?!?! badaala! ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
Me: Ishdarani??
Him: Lo sima7tay ikhty.. mumkin as2ilich laish itkalmeeny ib ha 6areeqa??
Me: Ishlon?
Him: Abee a3arif into il kuwaitiyeen laish shayfeen roo7kum 3ala i so3oodiyeen chithi? Intay mo awal wala aakhir wa7da itkalim is3oody chithi.. Abee a3arif laish? chithi itridoon lina il jameel?
?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!? I am in shock at this point.. ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!
Me: Jameel shinoo bi thab6?!?! Shoof okhoy, int daag 3alay.. laat 3arifny wala it3arif thoroofy wala it3arif shay 3any! ana maanee fathiya ag3ad oo atnaqash wiyaak 6abi3 il kuwaitiyeen!
I shut the phone at this point.... Seriously, who the hell does this guy think he is?? Calling me out of the clear, blue sky
AND he has the audacity to lecture me about the GCC-ness of my fellow kuwaities!? oo il mushkilla inna I wasn't even rude to him!! ya3ny ashkara daag oo ohwa mi7tar!
P.S. He was speaking with a thick Saudi accent... Its not recreated in the dialogue 'cos I'm not sure of most of the words, so I switched them with kuwaiti words.
P.P.S. My apologies to
Skunk who can't understand this part of the post. If you really want to know what happened, ask me and I'll e-mail you the translated version. K? :)
Pssssssssssssssst..... Come Closer.... I got a secret.........
I've figured out where all the hot guys in Kuwait go to hide.......
Are you ready for this? .......
This is where they are........
Don't ask me why? but I was there the other night.... chock full of hot guys... hot guys looking at lounge chairs... hot guys contemplating picture frames... hot guys testing out beds! (can you say yum?!) and best of all,
none of the hot guys I saw were with girls who looked like they might be wives!!!
Note to self: Must find more reasons to go to IKEA.....
No reason for this, but he's my favorite
Rent character.....
Now Playing: Interstate Love Song
By: Stone Temple Pilots