Sweet Home Alabama is my favorite anti-Neil Young song...
Its 1:20 and I've only thought about killing myself three times today. I'm thinking that's gotta be some sort of a record.
I'm interning at this new place for about a month and I'm already dreading the prospects.. although, it is considerably better than the alternative, The Bank of Krap and Meaningless Endeavors. I've been here since 8:30 am and have attended one mind-numbingly boring meeting, I've written two detailed accounts of the minutes of the meetings and have had roughly four cups of tea with some sort of condensed pseudo-milk. I think I may be suitably caffeinated though unfortunately not suitably conciliated.
This place insults my intelligence... what the hell am I doing here? Oh, yeah, I'm here 'cos I have no idea where I should be. I have inadvertently become one of those people I hate. The kind that just aimlessly coasts along rather than actively seeks out what they want. Actually, that phrase could probably apply to every other aspect of my life as well.
I've just been told that the people here love to gossip... that's always good news.
I need a project, something to focus my attention on. My brother has taken up wood-burning... maybe I could take up burning too. Perhaps the burning of public offices and vomit-inducing radio stations. Is arson a hobby?
.... I can hear them whispering over the partition... I'm not entirely convinced the whispering is not about me. Perhaps I'd be able to hear the conversation a little better if
some people (
Read: 7tenths) hadn't placed an involuntary curse on my superior hearing abilities! :P
Ok, 1:44 and contemplation of suicide #4 has just hit me, but I'm pretty sure I wouldn't die if I tossed myself out of a second story window. My body is a pretty resilient mofo.
Note to self: Must think up more creative suicide attempts.
There's a guy in the office across from me standing a little too close to his window. I think he and I may be on similar wavelengths.
My bad... He's just praying.
Now Playing: Bad Day
By: Daniel Powter
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