But wonder why the fight is on....
The war on fat has apparently replaced the war on cigarettes... What do you guys think of this article? ideas? arguments?
Related article (sort of)....
...... Lucky bastard.....
I've been noticing that Public Displays of Affection, or PDA's, have gotten more common recently here in Kuwait. I see couples all over the place, holding hands, kissing each other (on the cheeks
and lips), wrapping their arms around each other's necks/hips.... Is it just me or have Kuwaiti's gotten a little more blatant about it? And if they indeed have become more open about it, what are your thoughts? Do you see it as progress? Does it make you uncomfortable? or do you not care one way or another...?
Now Playing: With or Without You
By: U2
A haunting ballad... One of U2's
many shining moments, both lyrically and vocally.. Bono is da bomb...