99.7 is stalking me....
I'm starting to wonder about the people at FM 99.7... There's this song that comes on every few minutes... I don't know what its called (You know? The SuckStation may want to consider telling their listeners what the sing is called and who its by instead of forcing us to make educated guesses...) Anyway, so this new song (the name of which I do not know) goes something like this:
Uh-Oh.. here we go, turn up the radio
come on everybody, to the something something....
Its kind of a psuedo-disco thing... it has kind of a Scissor Sister feel to it.... Anyway, I can't decide whether the song is brilliant or whether its just a load of crap...
My point is that at a certain point in the song, they start spelling something... and at first, the beat of the song is sooo annoying that its all you can focus on and you don't even notice the lyrics... but last night, when it came on, I listened for that part.. This is what came out of my speakers...
M-O.. M-O-R-N-I-N-G W-O-O-D
M-O.. M-O-R-N-I-N-G W-O-O-D
M-O.. M-O-R-N-I-N-G W-O-O-D
Let's gooooooooooooI'm not sure if we all need a "morning wood" spelling lesson while we're stuck in morning traffic....
Now Playing: Who did you think I was?
By: John Mayer
He's got a brand new blues and he can't explain.. John Mayer takes on another persona.. Its rough, its raw and its unedited.. John Mayer moves to a whole new level of depth and guitar stylin'.