So, FB and I won tickets to
The Gotham Comedy Club last night to see, none other than,
Pablo Francisco!! .... I realize most of you may not know who Pablo is so take it from me (and 7tenths!) the guy is funny.. I'm talking LOL, ROFL, pee your pants funny! He's been a
Comedy Central staple for years and he has DVD's out and stuff, but nothing beats seeing him live and in action and we were soooo lucky that these tickets literally
fell into our laps!
When we got our seats, which were thankfully not the
'Hot Seat', we were just chatting while we waited for the show to start. So, FB gets up to go to the bathroom and she makes it to the door then turns around and runs back to our table. She snatches her camera off the table and runs back towards the door. So, I look to where she's gone and immediately figure out that she must have seen Pablo at the door. So, without a word, I grab my camera and make a beline for the entrance! I find her there stopping a waiter to get him to take her picture with Pablo so I jump into the picture and Pablo looks at me like, 'What the hell!?'.. So, then I ask the waiter to take a pic with my camera and Pablo was very polite and accomodating. He looked at me and started singing
'Somebody Told Me' by The Killers and I'm like 'What's the deal with this guy??'.. it took me a second to realize it was because of the
The Killers T-Shirt I was wearing! Pablo has excellent taste in music by the way! As evident by the myriad of pop/rock tunes that permeated his act.
Oh, and for those of you who know about my little drama at the Improv comedy club where I got called everything from a
lesbian to a
freak, then you'll be happy to know that I was not picked on last night. On the contrary, FB's older brother came with us and got picked on for twenty minutes for being a 30 year old scientist from Kuwait.. The MC seemed to think that this translated to him being a terrorist who kills his wives for fun!... Needless to say, FB's bro was not a happy camper.
As for me, I was mercifully left out of the whole 'let's-pick-on-the-audience-members' portion of the show. I did decide to exact my revenge on the previous comedians who had placed me in such an unflattering light... How did I do that, you may ask?? ... I heckled the comedians! That's right, 7!
I heckled Pablo!! Before he even went on stage, I threatened to do him bodily harm if he didn't do the
'movies preview guy'... Then, when he was on-stage, myself and another audience member, heckled him to do Rosa Gonzales!
Sidenote: To all of you who don't know Pablo's stuff. This may be a little boring to you. Check out his stuff tho 'cos he's da bomb! Anyway, so he had a great show with an extensive meet and greet at the end where he handed out DVD's and signed them and stuff...
All in all, it was a righteously wicked evening!
No jumping conclusions, I don't think there's no solution...
Let's get backwards and forget our restless destination...-Layla