Day 5 or 6 or maybe even 7... I'm not really sure...
It's Thanksgiving today and you know what? Holidays in New York are exactly like the movies! I swear to the high heavens! Everyone has got their x-mas lights up and stuff.. It's really..... nostalgic. I know the word nostalgic probably doesn't really fit since I've never been here before, but the word somehow works. I'm always telling people that I believe there are certain places in the world that, even if you've never been there, it kinda feels like home... In that you feel like you know it, inherently. Anyway, that's kinda how I'm feeling about NYC.. hence the use of the word nostalgic.
Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade went by today.... most notable event? The Pink Panther Baloon smacked into
and knocked over a light post. It was
total lames-ville!
We went to a movie last night, then snuck into another movie for free... the movie was Rent, it kinda sucked so it's a good thing we didn't pay for it... :P
You were once wild here, don't let them tame you...-Layla