Youth is wasted on the young...
I was thinking about that old adage a few days ago... about how youth really is wasted on the young... Come on, think about it... All the things worth doing in life are catered to the young. Love, partying, staying out all night, passion.. all of it is specifically designed for the young and yet most of us are too tied down by societal laws, overbearing fathers and strict curfews to be able to fully exploit it.
Sure, plenty of us get around these things and find ways to enjoy ourselves regardless, but I, personally, always feel a little twinge of regret when I'm doing something I know my parents wouldn't approve of. Maybe it's the way I was brought up, maybe it's an over active conscience.. whatever it is, it keeps me from fully enjoying my youth.. and that sucks! I should be able to be reckless and live my life free and clear of all sense of responsibility ...
People expect us to grow up so fast these days... adults are so quick to shove limits and boundaries down our throats, it's a wonder any of us are creative at all.. I know my parents were always trying to protect me from things... but it has bred within me this sense that I always have to be on top of and in control of every situation I find myself in.. Like if things get out of hand, it'll have this ripple effect and the whole world will come to a screeching halt because of whatever it is that I neglected to account for.
By the time you're old enough to enjoy all those things, without feeling like you're going out of bounds when you do it, you are just that.. Too old! and whatever it is that you always wanted, but were never allowed, to do has lost it's flavor.. because most of those things, like clubbing and partying and reckless relationships and the like, are only really worth doing when it feels forbidden.. that's kinda where they derive their juiciness (so to speak.. )
So... madry... I don't really know where I'm going with any of this. There is no point at all to what I'm talking about! I'm just kinda floating things up into this wonderful, ambiguous abyss we call the net... I think I'm blogstapated...
Comments or literary directions of any kind are more than welcome...
COmE aNd HaVe a GO If YoU ThInK YoU ArE HarD EnOUgh...