I miss my shoes....
I miss open-toe season....
My feet are getting claustrophobic....
...................... Does that make me shallow? ..............................


Date: 27th of December 2005
Time: 9:30 in the p.m.
Location: My room.. temporary haven of books, Museum of Sex paraphenelia and pink sunsets...
It's true.. Caldwell & Thomason were right. Time really does push at our backs like a centrifuge...
Now, I'm not entirely sure what a centrifuge is, but I imagine it to be this large, oversized, somewhat stumpy looking entity that continuously pokes me in the back, urging me to move forward...
Only his urging doesn't dawn on me until I've taken that step forward and look behind to see how far I've come... or not come, as it were...
Back home, you don't feel time go by,
Here, we have nothing, but time............................................................................

I won't be satisfied till I'm under your skin....-Layla