In Limbo
Where do you stand when your soul is in limbo
And you’re waiting for your life to begin?
Where does the line start?
Do I have to draw a number?
How far down are they?
Where do you focus your attention when fantasies
begin to bore you
and you realize that life has long since followed…?
When people don’t come through the way they’re supposed to
And dreams fail to materialize
We spend our days drenched in deceit
Avarice … Slovene in our pursuit of fancy and flight
A nation of sloth… Hungry for the quiet respite that
Laziness seems to offer
A diversion of attentions, a convergence of sins
These words, dimensions and layout
Remind me of a sideways heartbeat…
Erratic and listless
Rising and falling in waves of emotion
I feel a certain kinship with the inconsistent
Life is all about abstracts
Things of variation
Finding comfort in the ambiguous
And loving the ease with which you find yourself
lost in the lifelines of the ones you love.